The Baja Peninsula consists of 2 states. Baja Norte and Baja Sur.
Cabo is located in Baja Sur and the state capital is La Paz, located about 1 1/2 hours north of Cabo.
Recently I came across some interesting facts about Cabo and Southern Baja.
Almost 40% of the Southern Baja residents were born in another part of Mexico. (I always enjoy locating a Cabo native and learning from them about Cabo in the early years)
Baja Sur is the least populated state in all of Mexico, however the population of Southern Baja has doubled in the past 20 years. (637,026 people at last count) 325,433 men and 311,593 women. 96% of those age 6-14 attend school.
There are almost 11,000 people who speak an indigenous dialect.
Religion: 82.7% Catholics, 7.5% Christians of different denominations.
Commerce and Service employees 72.4% of the population with 17.5% working in manufacturing and construction. 9.2% work in agricultural activities.
Electricity has reached 96.7% of the homes with 87.8% receiving water from the city.
94% of homes have TV, 88.6 have refrigerators, 69.7% own at least one car, 40.7% have a telephone, 41.5% own a computer, 33.2% have internet and 86.5% own at least one cell phone.
Please feel free to add any other interesting facts you may know about Cabo and Southern Baja.