Arriving in Town
Is English spoken here? Se habla ingles aqui?
Where is the center of town? Donde esta el centro de la cuidad?
May I park here? Pudeo estacionarme aqui?
Could you recommend a good restaurant? Puede Ud. Recomendar un buen restaurante?
Where is X street? Donde esta la Calle X
How often does the bus go by? Que tan seguido pasa el autobus?
I wish to change some money. Quiero cambiar dinero.
What is the rate of exchange? Cual es el tipo de cambio?
I want to cash a check. Quiero cambiar un cheque.
I have lost my traveler’s checks. He perdido mis cheques de viajero.
Where can I find a policeman? Donde puedo hellar un policia?
a doctor? Un medico?
a drug store? Una farmacia?
Where is the police station? Donde esta la comisaria?
Where can I find guidebooks? Donde se pueden hallar guias turisticas?
road maps? Mapas de carreteras
postcards? Tarjetas postales
American newspapers? Periodicos norteamericanos?