Safe & Sound: Despite misleading reports, Los Cabos remains a secure travel destination.
Although Los Cabos is already one of the safest places to vacation and live, the government’s local agencies are overhauling its policies, prioritizing the security of its visitors and residents. From the director of tourism to the federal police, their mission is to protect and to serve: at the airport, beaches, marina, and on the roads and city streets.
Contrary to what is reported by many mainstream U.S. media outlets, crime is not an all-encompassing problem in México. It is isolated, just as crime in the U.S. is not rampant throughout the contiguous states. Not all of the United States is under a crime siege by socially disturbed individuals, and not all of México is involved in drug wars. In fact, the crime rate in the United States and other parts of the world is far greater than in México. Bad things happen everywhere.
There are many beautiful resorts in México that are suffering because international tourists have heard or read misleading reports that México as a whole is a violent country and canceled their travel plans. There’s no reason for prudent travelers to abandon their trips to places such as Los Cabos. México is a very large country, and Los Cabos is far removed from the violence affecting other parts of the nation. Jacobo Turquie Alcerraca, the newly appointed secretary of tourism for Southern Baja recently said, “The municipality of Los Cabos—1,000 miles from the U.S. border—boasts a unique geographic location at the tip of the long, narrow Baja California Peninsula. Separated from mainland México by the Sea of Cortés (christened the “World’s Aquarium” by Jacques Cousteau), the twin cities of Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo and the surrounding countryside are an islandlike sanctuary, unaffected by any crime or violence occurring elsewhere in México.”
Jacobo Turquie- Baja California Sur Secretary of Tourism
The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, confirms “millions of U.S. citizens safely visit México each year. This includes tens of thousands who cross the border every day for study, tourism or business and at least one million U.S. citizens who live in México. The Mexican government makes a considerable effort to protect U.S. citizens and other visitors to major tourist destinations. Resort areas and tourist destinations in México do not see the levels of drug-related violence and crime reported in the border region and in areas along major drug-trafficking route.”
The Mexican Naval Marine base, headed by Admiral Felipe Lozano Armenta, supports the local security program by providing protection and assistance in controlling maritime traffic and operating search-and-rescue missions in and about Los Cabos. Its inventory of top-notch equipment includes intercepting patrol and defender boats and helicopters with trained and qualified crews on duty 24-7.
Patrols provide security by escorting cruise ships from 12 miles out up to anchor point, with small boats guarding their flanks during their stay in port. Naval personnel handle calls for help and monitor the dock on foot and aboard small boats in the marina. Foot patrols can be seen walking the beaches during high-tourism season. All personnel are trained to implement contingency plans and programs to assist civilians in times of emergency, such as hurricanes.
Emergency contact information: (624) 105-1110, (624) 143-6699, ext. 124 or 125, Canal 16 VHF banda marina; frecuency 2182 kHz (24 hours, 365 days of the year).
Local police commander Daniel Rodriguez has spoken of revamping the training program for officers, restructuring the process so that the Los Cabos police are even better prepared for any incident.
Juan A. Carbajal Figueroa, commandant of the Cabo San Lucas Fire Department, is backed by 60 highly qualified individuals who are prepared for different types of emergencies known to happen in a beach area. Their priority is safeguarding the lives and goods of both locals and visitors with modern equipment and vehicles.
Ask any foreign resident living in Los Cabos whether he is afraid to live here, and the answer is unequivocally the same: I feel safer here than anywhere else I have ever lived. As in any foreign country, one needs to be careful and wise. Follow rules and obey the laws.
Ask yourself, “Would I do this in my own country?” Common-sense precautions such as visiting only legitimate business and tourist areas during daylight hours and avoiding areas where criminal activity might occur can help ensure that travel to México is safe and enjoyable.
Just because you’re on vacation does not mean that you can drink to extreme, become disorderly, or walk late at night on darkened streets or alone on the beach.
Don’t take chances you wouldn’t if you were back home.
Miroslava Bautista Sánchez, the municipal tourism director of Los Cabos, says, “México is a big and incredibly diverse country to visit and in which to live, so violence along the U.S. border does not have any effect on a vacation in, for example, Los Cabos. Thousands of flights, cruise lines, and private yachts choose Los Cabos as their travel destination, and hundreds of demanding business travelers from the U.S. and Canada find investment opportunities here. Why? Los Cabos is a symbol of a peaceful place to visit and to live. It has long been a favorite getaway for movie stars and famous personalities, many of whom have purchased residences here.”
Los Cabos can be an unforgettable vacation experience in a safe and secure environment! Come enjoy the beauty and all the incredible activities associated with this part of the world.